Is watching porn is a sin?

Is watching porn is a sin?

When you turn on Netflix, Amazon Prime or any movie channels, they have sexual scenes. They may be full or half nude pictures or videos. It seems unavoidable these days if you are a movie enthusiast. In other words, it is almost not possible to watch a movie without sexual content. They became a part of the majority of movies. Many of you ask why the title then says ‘Porn’? Yes, it is a good question. Do we not allowed to call the adult contents in a movie or a TV series as ‘Porn’? Only designated pornographic online stream contents entitled to use it. The gist is not how we going to call the nude contents, it is actually asking the question ‘Is it a sin to watch porn or nude contents?’

When I was in college, I heard from most of the students saying about their habit of watching porn. I learned that many believed in watching porn is not a big deal. Nobody felt guilty about it or felt shameful. Otherwise, it is one of the cool things for them. Another huge surprise for me was from girls that they also felt the same.

Again, “Is watching porn is a sin?” I think it is better to answer the question “Why it is a sin for Christians to watch porn?”. So, it will bring an answer from the Bible.

When we all became Christians by the saving grace of Christ, we were called to live a holy life.

watching porn is a sin

For this is the will of God, your sanctification:that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; that no one transgress and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-7

As we see that Paul calls us all to live a holy life, it is the will of God. This purpose annihilated when we see a woman/men with lustful eyes as Jesus warned in Matthew 5:27. Furthermore, in Ephesians 5:3-12, Paul urges us not consider to talk and think about the sexual immorality. Some even say we are not committing physical adultery or fornication, so watching it is not a sin. But the Bible clearly points out the importance of purity and power of the eye. Simply, it is not right to see a naked picture of woman or men walking around and performing sexual activities.

Next important question is ‘How we are going to fight watching porn?’. I can recommend a brilliant gospel centred book by Heath Lambert called Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace”. It is a practically possible and entirely biblical book. This will help to fight the impurity with the power of Jesus Christ.